thoughts on daily life within our family of SIX....each child in her own phase of childhood....

Monday, July 13, 2009

33 weeks

Precious baby girl, I can't wait to hold you!!! I am truly a blessed woman to have the opportunity to carry you, feel your arms and legs kick around inside of me and wait on your arrival.

Your big brother promises that he is going to "love on you" and frequently gives you kisses and sings to you! And your biggest big sister says that she is going to spoil you. Miss Sunshine is going to read lots of stories to you! And Daddy? He talks to you most days and pokes my belly with his whiskers. He loves you already and tells me daily that he can't wait for you to get here!


Erica said...

So sweet!! Not that much longer. :)

Membership Required said...

so beautiful are you! Cant wait to meet your little one. ML