thoughts on daily life within our family of SIX....each child in her own phase of childhood....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

We will always remember....

Thanks for visiting! For more Wordless Wednesday participants, go here.


Channah said...

What a sweet picture!

carmilevy said...

I love the resonance of this photo. If only everyone took the time to appreciate and to remember.

I hope things are looking up for you on the power front. Your previous entry touched a soft nerve in me, as you found a way to find the good amid the not-so-good.

You've clearly taught your kids an important lessons in the process. Can't wait to read more from your archives.

My WW is here, if you wish to drop by:

Amy - said...

Great Shot!

Thanks for commenting on mine.

The Urban Scientist said...

that's nice.

Karin said...

A really good picture that captures the message you are trying to convey perfectly.

Missy said...

That is a great shot! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

That's a really lovely shot. Sweet and powerful at once.

Unknown said...

Happy WW! That is a remarkable photo. This is my first time visiting your blog. I like the flow...

Thanx for your earlier visit! I invite your blog readers to see creative ceiling painting in a 'Smoking Room' on my WW-post this week...

peace, Villager

Its A Corny Life... said...

What a great picture! I wanted to drop by and say a big thank you for supporting us, and for spreading the word to pray for Abigail. We just know all the love and prayers and support is whats keeping Abby fighting.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! You will both treasure this as he grows up, for sure. Blessings, Whitney