thoughts on daily life within our family of SIX....each child in her own phase of childhood....

Friday, June 13, 2008

Daddy's Home!

Daddy's home, and the fun begins!
Just for a minute,
Mama forgets that no running is allowed in the house
And that we take good care of the couch pillows...
We shouldn't ever throw them.
Or walk on them.
Or smoosh them in any way.
Mama's rule about not being rough with each other?
It gets lost for a little bit
As Daddy wrestles each child to the floor,
Tickles at the most unexpected times,
Growls like a wild lion
And poses in some sort of threatening stance.
Daddy's home, and the fun begins!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Recipe for Our Saturday Memory

1 rather large canopy tent
1 wagon
3 fold-up chairs
1 tarp
1 blanket
1 bag of things to do
1 bag of dry clothes
3 covered cups of orange juice
1 bag of breakfast food from McDonald's
3 lovely children
generous servings of heat and sunshine
a sprinkle of wind
a pinch of childhood frustration over any old thing (getting hair fixed, spilling
juice, etc.)

Early on Saturday morning, load all ingredients into your mixer or minivan, whichever will accomodate. Drop off the swimmer child, the blanket and the tarp at the designated spot to sign in while you park the van at least a mile away (no cheating, here!). Load all ingredients minus two children, the tarp and the blanket onto the wagon and walk the mile or more (remember, no cheating!) back to the pool. Have one extra helpful six year old help look for cars, carry the food and help boost the wagon up and down over the curbs where needed. Combine all ingredients under the canopy.

When all racing is finished for the swimmer, load up all ingredients and walk back to the mixer or minivan. Top with four juicy, red or purple snow cones on the way home--of course, one for each child and one for the mom. Don't worry about spills. You won't remember that part tomorrow.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Not my best photo ever, but the subject is something I've been looking for a lot lately. That beautiful smile.

What Do I Look Like?

Perhaps I haven't mentioned this before, but a true fear of bears runs rampant through my progeny. Any kind of bears. Black bears. Grizzly bears. Polar bears. Generic bears. Most definitely unseen bears.

When my sweet middle girl was 3, we began hearing things from her. She wanted to know for certain that no bear would sneak up on her while walking to the car. As we walked into her dance class one day, she glanced over toward "the woods" and quietly said, "I think there might be a bear in there."

Not too long after that, my husband considered taking a job in Alaska. In all of my googling, I noticed that the words "black bears" cropped up quite a bit. In fact, I e-mailed someone who lived in our prospective town. I asked him about schools, climate, social activities...and bears. He assured me that there was nothing to worry about, only black bears inhabited the island of Ketchikan, no grizzlies. But he did say that a resident should expect to see a black bear on occasion. Like the occasion when he walked into his den to find a bear on his deck...staring straight at him through his sliding glass door. Thank you very much for this information.

May I just tell you something? My beloved would quite possibly have to be hospitalized after an occasion as ordinary as that. We decided not to move to Alaska. This was not the only reason, but it was definitely involved.

Lately, my sweet girl seems to have moved on a bit. She's thinking about raccoons. But my boy.....oh, he's got the bear thing covered for his sister. Yesterday, as I was getting him ready for bed, I turned off the light right before I walked over to the rocking chair where he was sitting. As I walked toward him, he used his quietest, most cautious voice to ask me, "Are you a bay-uh? (bear)"

Last week, he was with me at night as I turned off the lights upstairs and walked downstairs holding his hand. Using that same calm, don't ruffle any bear fur voice, he said, "You not a bay-uh...." Clearly, he was trying to convince himself and settle his own nerves.

What does this tell me? Hmmm.....I haven't had a hair appointment in a while. I'll be scheduling that tomorrow. And, I've slowed a little on the weight loss. Guess I'd better step it up a notch or two. And, for now...Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Goldilocks--you're officially banned from the family library.